Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Better late than never

Hi there new readers (or in some cases of those who confusedly checked "freckled art" for the 5 months after I stopped posting, loyal-to-a-fault readers)!
Last year, I was often inspired by the words of wisdom that two good friends passed along to me as they did research for their dissertations.

Now that it is my "dissertationyear," I too strive to be as witty with my words as my two friends have been as I attempt to recount my experiences while researching for my dissertation on American history in the South. Of course, I have been on my official research journey for a good 2 and a half months now, but I am only now getting to actually creating a blog to enlighten my readers about the trials and tribulations of research, especially how to live out of a 1992 Honda Accord for 3 months.

But don't worry. I'll recount for you all of the interesting times that I have had so far - like the time in South Carolina where I was driven not by an urge to break the speed limit, but to throw trash out of my car, just like a local!

So do tune in loyal readers, and I promise that it will be illuminating.


Anonymous said...

I get to be the first commenter. Yay!

Historian at large, I beg you not to throw your Goo Goo Cluster wrappers out the window.

Could-be-a-model said...

Eh, who cares? It's the South. It's already a dirty place.

Question: What are the rules about linking to this blog?

Vgirl said...

Oh Lawd! I can hear the music now...mmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwhoawhoayeah!

your small american said...

Thank god, I swear I obsessively check freckle dart about once a week. The blog equivalent of banging your head on the wall, as it hasn't been updated in over a year.